TOP 10 poviedok Fantázia Award 2021 (zoradené podľa hodnotenia poroty a zostupného počtu bodov).
Víťazovi Tomášovi Bozóovi, autorovi poviedky Long Live the King, srdečne gratulujeme!
- Long Live the King
- The Unquiet Western Front
- Warehouse 14
- Another You
- A Night of Confessions
- The Perks of Being Alex Mortimer
- The Shade
- Definiton of Human Being
- The Guardian
- Expedition Charon-8
Zoznam všetkých prihlásených poviedok v súťaži Fantázia Award 2021.
- Unseen terror on Ourass
- Blanket-Tail
- Night of Brass
- Long live the King
- Why?
- Lucifer, the light bringer
- Hell in Slovak Paradise
- The Perks of Being Alex Mortimer
- Strand of Hair
- Which is the way
- The Noise
- The Son of the Horde
- Definiton of Human Being
- Warehouse 14
- Neon Purple Unicorn
- Time of death: Premature
- The Unquiet Western Front
- Under the Sway of Fear
- The Shade
- The Swamp of Death
- We don’t talk about it
- Morning star
- A Night of Confessions
- Expedition Charon-8
- Four stories
- The Guardian
- Dogs of Andoor
- Another You
- Alien’s Dive Into Human Sexuality
- Let’s Not Get Carried Away
- We’ll never get to heaven