TOP 10 poviedok Fantázia Award 2021 (zoradené podľa hodnotenia poroty a zostupného počtu bodov).

Víťazovi Tomášovi Bozóovi, autorovi poviedky Long Live the King, srdečne gratulujeme!

  1. Long Live the King
  2. The Unquiet Western Front
  3. Warehouse 14
  4. Another You
  5. A Night of Confessions
  6. The Perks of Being Alex Mortimer
  7. The Shade
  8. Definiton of Human Being
  9. The Guardian
  10. Expedition Charon-8

Zoznam všetkých prihlásených poviedok v súťaži Fantázia Award 2021.

  1. Unseen terror on Ourass
  2. Blanket-Tail
  3. Night of Brass
  4. Long live the King
  5. Why?
  6. Lucifer, the light bringer
  7. Hell in Slovak Paradise
  8. The Perks of Being Alex Mortimer
  9. Strand of Hair
  10. Which is the way
  11. The Noise
  12. The Son of the Horde
  13. Definiton of Human Being
  14. Warehouse 14
  15. Neon Purple Unicorn
  16. Time of death: Premature
  17. The Unquiet Western Front
  18. Under the Sway of Fear
  19. The Shade
  20. The Swamp of Death
  21. We don’t talk about it
  22. Morning star
  23. A Night of Confessions
  24. Expedition Charon-8
  25. Four stories
  26. The Guardian
  27. Dogs of Andoor
  28. Another You
  29. Alien’s Dive Into Human Sexuality
  30. Let’s Not Get Carried Away
  31. We’ll never get to heaven

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