Catherine Asaro
Americká sci-fi a fantasy spisovateľka. Napísala viac ako 25 kníh a je známa najmä vďaka svojej space opere Saga of the Skolian Empire, z ktorej niektoré diely sú preložené aj do českého jazyka. Získala niekoľko univerzitných titulov z chémie a fyziky a pôsobila ako učiteľka matematiky, fyziky a chémie. Pri opise vedeckých javov v románoch sa opiera o vlastné vedecké práce. Asaro je aj bývalou baletkou a profesionálnou tanečnicou, venuje sa taktiež spevu a hudbe. Vo svojich knihách zručne spája hard sci-fi, romantiku, akčnosť a vesmírne dobrodružstvá. Za niektoré diela získala ceny Hugo a Nebula, zároveň množstvo nominácií na rôzne prestížne ceny. V júli jej vo vydavateľstve Baen vychádza nová kniha The Vanished Seas.
(foto: FB)
Catherine Asaro is an American science fiction and fantasy writer. Author of more than twenty-five books, she is best known for her space opera series Saga of the Skolian Empire. She has a Ph.D. in Chemical Physics, a MA in Physics and a BS with Highest Honors in Chemistry. She is a former ballet and jazz dancer, but also published a number of papers on theoretical physics and was a math, physics, and chemistry teacher. Her scientific papers provide the basis for some of the science in her fiction. Catherine Asaro is also a singer, performing at clubs and conventions. Thus, with her love for science and art, she has managed to create an exquisite blend of hard science fiction, romance, sensuality, action, mystery and space adventure. Some of her works earned awards like Nebula or Hugo while others also received numerous nominations for different awards.